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Workplace Relationships Langley

Psychological safety and having trusted friendships in the workplace are critical to individual and team performance. Studies show that engagement and productivity can be achieved and maintained by having at least one dependable relationship at work. Everyone needs a “no matter what” friend – A friend and colleague who has the grace to stand with you when you have failed, the courage to challenge you when you are wrong, and the care to be your cheerleader when you are reaching to accomplish your goals.

With their understanding of Corporate Attachment®, Abby and her team believe, “When people feel safe and connected, their creativity is unlocked, engagement is more likely to occur, and greater productivity is a natural and organic outcome.” Abby can help team leaders and individuals identify the barriers to the type of connections necessary to achieve scalable team outcomes and provide professional guidance in developing a strategic framework to construct and cultivate safe and trusting bonds in the workplace.

Whether you work remotely or function in a hybrid work reality, a concerted effort to nourish the invisible but essential relational bonds is required to achieve team goals. Being left out of the loop, overlooked, dismissed, and consistently missing team meetings and other relationship realities can often work against team health. “The research literature has identified three factors that universally lead to stress: uncertainty, the lack of information, and the loss of control.”  Gabor Maté, When the Body Says No

Through educational strategies, Abby works with individuals to understand their attachment codes, define their safety needs, and develop healthy boundary lines for connection. With her skill, Abby develops a tailored relational infrastructure that helps organizations navigate the complex problems of the modern workplace to ensure that they are future-ready to adapt and maintain a healthy workplace so that whether physically together or “remotely together,” individuals will feel the dependability and strength of their team to push forward and achieve, without breaking stride.

Relationships are the fuel that makes sophisticated organizational systems work. Fuel creates combustion for productive movement or fuel that will flare up in fires of conflict that slow and interrupt progress and productivity. Understanding the value of this relational fuel creates a competitive edge in organizations. Workplace relationships need to be more recognized in their innate leveraging value in achieving goals.

Corporations face ever-increasing challenges to remain profitable and competitive in their field of expertise. Foundational to a thriving working environment is the effectiveness of the relationships within it. Abby leads her team to detect where relational oil has dried up or become impeded. Through her building trust and connection techniques, team members learn how to tap into their oil reserves and remove relational blockages so that the “oil” can flow. Where there have been “gratings” and delays, the oil stream can lift stress and tensions and break impasses. It refreshes and contributes to sustainable relational safety and strength, easing burnout’s effects and fortifying against it.

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